Looking for fun, fall-themed speech therapy activities but aren't quite ready to dive into all things pumpkin yet? How about them apples? The apple life cycle, apple picking, foods made with apples– there are so many opportunities for language with this theme. Check out these activities and resources to put together your own apple-themed session... or sessions!
Apple Orchard Virtual Field Trip for Speech Therapy
I love to use this virtual trip to the apple orchard to introduce students to the vocabulary and concepts of an apple theme. The real photos provide a familiar context for students to make connections, and the built-in language prompts provide many opportunities to functionally target a variety of goals.
Apple Themed Boom Cards for Speech Therapy
Is there anything better than a resource that does it ALL this fall? This apple life cycle-themed Boom Cards deck (get it here on Boom) targets speech AND language with 6 activities that are interactive, interesting, and educational.
This fall-themed deck of Boom Cards (get it here on Boom) includes 2 passages (one fiction and one non-fiction) about apples. The option to answer comprehension and inferencing questions with or without visuals makes these activities super versatile for your elementary speech therapy caseload.
Books for Speech Therapy with an Apple Theme
Search the following apple-themed book titles/authors wherever you access digital versions of books (your local library, YouTube, websites, online stores, etc.).
Fiction Books
Apple Trouble by Ragnhild Scamell
The Biggest Apple Ever by Steven Kroll
Little Mouse and the Bid Red Apple by A.H. Benjamin and Gwyneth Williamson
The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree by Gail Gibbons
Non-Fiction Books
Apples by Gail Gibbons
Apples for Everyone by Jill Esbaum
I Eat Apples in the Fall by Mary Lindeen
Let's Explore Apples by Jill Colella
Videos for Speech Therapy with an Apple Theme
Apple Life Cycle is a one-minute wordless video that uses real (or very realistic) images to show how a seed changes and grows into an apple tree that produces apples.
Way Up High in an Apple Tree song by The Learning Station is a cute song for preschool/kindergarten that focuses on counting backward from five using apples.
Let's Go To An Apple Orchard is a 4.5-minute video field trip to an orchard to locate various types of apples around the orchard.
FREE Apple Themed Game for Teletherapy
Apple Tree Game FREEBIE is a word-guessing activity. It's a great way to burn some extra time at the end of an apple-themed session or break up some speech therapy drill.
Apple Themed Games and Activities for Speech Therapy
Curious George Apple Picking on PBS Kids. "Bob" for apples by clicking on the missing numbered apple. If your students love Curious George, here's a 5-minute video where he interferes with apple cider production.
This apple foods matching activity has up to 12 pairs and all real photos.
An apple coloring page (such as this one from thecolor.com) makes for an easy, digital activity.
Apple Catch Game on the FunBrain website is a simple math-based game for younger students.
Highlights Kids has an apple-themed hidden picture activity that is great for formulating sentences or working on plural nouns.
This apple orchard puzzle (from the Online Jigsaw Puzzles website) can be modified to be easier or harder with anywhere from 12 to 216 pieces.
Apple Themed Reading Passages
How Do Apples Get To You? is a 1st grade level passage on ReadWorks that teaches about how apples go from orchards to grocery stores. This Apple Picking Time passage is written at a 2nd grade level and goes into a bit more detail (and has more photos)
It Is Apple Season is a 2nd grade level passage on ReadWorks that explains how apple trees change throughout the four seasons.
How 'Bout Them Apples? is a 3rd grade level short story (on ReadWorks) about a girl that learns to love apples.
Apple Themed Activities for Older Students in Speech Therapy
Older students might be surprised to learn about the many significant ways that apples improve human health in this Readworks article titled Apples: The Health Benefits.
From apple production to parts of an apple to Johnny Appleseed, this Jeopardy Labs trivia game called Apples, Apples, Apples is fun for the older crowd.
Can't go wrong with some fast facts about apples (from Science Kids).
Find out the most popular apple varieties in America in this HGTV article.
Target articulation (and language too!) with your older students with a hilarious fill-in-the-blank story! Find this one in this fall-themed pack!
In addition to causing you to crave apple pie (😉), I really hope this post helps you save time during your busy schedule while providing some fall fun for you and your students! If you're looking for more teletherapy activities this fall, download my FREE Google spreadsheet here! And, learn more about using themes in speech therapy!
Originally posted on 9/7/2020. Updated 9/18/23.
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